Here we go!!!!!! Ooh...Everione's relaxing!! ------------
Family Gossip Session!!Haha!! ------------
The Mat Malaysia(as what Azhar called him wen he puts that towel on!)
No need to call the SPI Azhar.. It's onli Nek Busu behind Abby..
Irah,Abby & Azhar Abby mata sepet!!haha...
The 3 of us again!! ------------
Abby..Abby...What's the meaning of that? Hahak!
Haha..I can't join them with the upside down shades style...haha...
Lil' Miss Froggy!!!(inside joke) ------------
Feat. Shasha... ------------
The 3 of us can nvr stop snapping!!!
See what I mean?!Ahak...
My Favoryte Cousin,Abg Amy(y Fave?Cuz he's veri selamba n funni!!haha)
Emo pe gal? ------------
Ehem ehem..Aku tau laa ape kau buat... ------------
Alamak Cik Yong *tangan hentak dahi* Org suro senyum dia kejam mata pulak...
Aah...Seyum mcm nie laa... ------------
Shasha...oh Shasha...Termenungkan sape tu ye???
Cik Ani says : Sibuk aje Long Irah ni snap2...Dah mcm Cik Yong pulak..
Shasha says : Alamak!!Bingit seh dgn Long Irah!!
Asek nk amik gambar
aku sorg2 je!!
No Comment.... ------------
Also NO COMMENT!!!! ------------
Suu & Nek Busu... ------------
Ish!!Whoose finger is that??!!?! ------------
Aww!!!Famili pic kepe??? ------------
Suu : Abby PENDEK!!!HA...HA....... Abby : (merajok uh..ape cute)hehe...
jgn marah huh...usik2 je...
Busu buat ape seh tu?? ------------
The siblings...Haris je yg tkde... ------------
Haha..Menganiaya anak org!!Haha... ------------
Pk org tkt uh tu si Abby tu? ------------
Haikal!!Tk tau senyum ke??!!?!?!! ------------
Hmm..Tgk ape seh ni dua?? ------------
S.Jibeng of the Mymoon Family!! ------------
We're hot! We know... ------------
Best view dia Hakim?Sekali sekala rasa diri tinggi!haha ------------
Hakim ni pemalas eh!!haha... ------------
Wah..Ngah Ana Busy npk... ------------
Wadcha doing people? ------------
Tk nk ckp ape2... Tk org tk kita ye...
Nek Busu!! ------------
The Ciks..Cik Yong dah "landing".. ------------
Ini...Ntah laa din... ------------
;) Alang : Closing!!Jln!!Sume pack up!!!
Labels: Chinese New Year "Celebration"
Family Love .
Blogged @ 2:30:00 PM